Pen & Ink Stipple Portraits for The Los Angeles Times

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Wall Street Journal Hedcut of Guy Fawkes

Back in 2006, I created a Wall Street Journal hedcut of Hugo Weaving from the film “V for Vendetta”. In the movie, his character wears a mask of Guy Fawkes - the famed English conspirator who led a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament and bring down the monarchy. The film was based on a graphic novel illustrated by David Lloyd which inverted Fawkes' image from traitor to "hero fighting an unjust state"...which I guess explains why this face has become an allegory for the Occupy Wall Street movement. I am fascinated with the Occupy movement and I'm in support of just about everyone I've heard speak of its intent. Until now, I have been too ensconced in my own work (or too old and tired) to join those on the street, but if folks enjoy this little portrait I might just feel a bit more connected...